The addition of children to life can be highly demanding on your time. It may not be possible for you to take out time for…
What Is A Mommy Makeover?
Mommy makeover is a familiar catchphrase for a personalized set of plastic surgery and other aesthetic procedures for helping women address the common effects of…
How Long Until I Can Return To The Gym After Breast Augmentation
Patients seeking breast augmentation usually want to know when they can resume their exercise routine. You would understandably want to maintain your enhanced result. With…
Transmasculine Top Surgery (Female To Male Breast Surgery) Before And After Photos
FTM or female-to-male top surgery helps in creating a more masculine-appearing chest in men that identify as a transgender. The surgeon removes excess skin and…
Are You A Candidate For Transmasculine Top Surgery (Female To Male Breast Surgery)?
FTM or female-to-male top surgery is performed for creating a masculine looking chest in men identifying as transgenders. The procedure involves repositioning the nipples after…
Cleveland Metrohealth Medical Center Division Director of Plastic Surgery: Bram R. Kaufman, MD
Cleveland Plastic Surgeon Bram R. Kaufman, MD Dr. Bram Kaufman is a notable board certified plastic surgeon. He has been offering a wide range of…
Ganglion Cyst Removal From Your Hand
Cyst Removal Ganglion cysts are among the most common lumps or mass affecting the hands. These are not cancerous in nature and are usually harmless.…
How To Choose The Best Butt Lift Plastic Surgeon?
Best Butt Lift Plastic Surgeon Results of a buttock lift cosmetic surgery can affect your appearance for many years. This makes it important to choose…
Butt Lift Surgery Recovery
Butt Lift Surgery Your skin and tissue will need adequate time for healing following the buttock lift plastic surgery for attaining cosmetically desirable results. Patients…
Butt Lift Surgery Procedure Steps
Butt Lift Surgery Butt lift plastic surgery with fat transfer technique is increasingly becoming popular among patients since it creates natural and sustainable looking results…