
How Long Do Silicone Implants Last?

How Long Do Silicone Implants Last?Patients seeking breast implants may not be aware that implants will need to be removed or replaced at some point down the line. Although this may sound like a downside to the procedure, silicone implants tend to last anywhere from 10-20 years. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides silicone breast implants to patients in Cleveland, Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Lyndhurst, OH, and surrounding locations.

Choosing Your Implants

During your consultation, your surgeon will perform a physical examination and you’ll discuss what you’re hoping to achieve. Some patients bring photos of their desired breasts to help the surgeon understand their expectations. Depending on the shape of your breasts and the size you wish for, your doctor will suggest appropriate implants for you to pick from.

Silicone Breast Implant Procedure

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make incisions that are hidden in the breast crease, in the armpit, or around the areola. The implants are then placed in the chest, either above or below the muscle. Once the implants are in place, the incisions are sewn shut and the procedure is completed.

Can I Go Without Replacing My Implants?

There are several reasons why silicone implants may need to be taken out or replaced, such as capsular contracture, when the chest forms scar tissue around the implants, causing it to harden, look deformed and cause pain; rupture or rippling of the implant; or age, when the breasts sag and the implants don’t look as pleasing as they were before. To ensure safety, it is advised to remove or replace the implants if there is a rupture or capsular contracture, as neglecting it can lead to serious health issues.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides silicone breast implants to patients in Cleveland, Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Lyndhurst, OH, and surrounding locations.

Contact Us To Schedule a Consultation with Cleveland, OH Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us click here.

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