Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)
A facelift, also termed a rhytidectomy, is actually a number of procedures that might include any or all of the following: facelift, neck lift, brow lift, and even fat grafting. The majority of cases require that we address the underlying structure of the face which supports the soft tissues. This involves surgical approaches that require extensive understanding and experience with the anatomy of the face, the muscles and nerves. I am fortunate to have over 15 years of facial cosmetic surgery as well as extensive experience with facial reconstructions and microsurgery around the nerves of the face.
The “facelift” is unique for each individual and requires a full consultation to determine each individuals needs.
A facelift is considered a cosmetic surgery. More information about the financial arrangements for cosmetic surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
I would be happy to provide you with more information or answer any other questions and can be contacted by phone at 1-216-778-2245 or by email at drbramkaufman@case.edu