Burn Treatment
The effects of burn injuries can be devastating and appropriate treatment is essential to maximize the ultimate aesthetic and funcitonal results. As a plastic surgeon and hand surgeon at a nationally recognized burn care facility, I am in a unique position to treat burns and the late effects of burns. I work closely with allied fields including general burn surgeons, critical care specialists, orthopedic surgeons and the rehabilitative services of Physical Medicine Physicians, occupational and physcial therapists. My training in Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Microsurgery and Hand Surgery (Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand (formerly CAQ Hand) at the University of Pittsburgh plus 15 years of experience with burn reconstruction places me in a most qualified position.
Surgery for reconstruction after burns is usually covered by insurance. More information about the financial arrangements for insurance covered surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
I would be happy to provide you with more information or answer any other questions and can be contacted by phone at 1-216-778-2245 or by email at drbramkaufman@case.edu