
How much does Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery cost?

The Price Tag for Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery

How much does Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery cost?Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery procedure to sculpt the abdominal contours by reducing excess skin and fat. In some cases, the procedure may also involve tightening of underlying weak abdominal muscles. During the initial consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will discuss various aspects of the procedure with the patient, including its estimated monetary amount.

Dr. Bram Kaufman is an eminent board certified plastic surgeon providing tummy tuck and other surgical procedures. Dr. Kaufman will address various queries and concerns of a patient during the first consultation, including questions on cost, and help them make an informed choice. He receives patients from Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding communities.

Financial Factors

The dollar amount of abdominoplasty can differ between two practices, and may even differ between two patients at the same practice. Several factors can influence the actual price tag of the procedure.

Geographic Location

Living cost index usually varies from one place to another, which can impact the average costs of most types of products and services, including cosmetic surgery services. For instance, the cost of tummy tuck procedure in Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and nearby locations may not be the same as the sticker price in, say, Boulder, CO.

Surgeon’s Fee

The fee charged by a plastic surgeon may vary according to their skills, experience, and recognition in the field of tummy tuck surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) advises patients to choose the best surgeon for their needs, and consider the surgeon’s fee only as a secondary factor in such a decision.

Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs

Tummy tuck surgery may be performed under general anesthesia, especially in a traditional surgery procedure. The fee charged by the anesthesiologist can differ according to their skills and experience. Operating room charges can vary as per the technologies, experienced staff and personalized services offered at a particular surgical facility.

Additional Expenses

When a patient is estimating the overall cost of tummy tuck, they should also include the cost of additional expenses such as medical tests, prescription medications, surgical accessories, and post-op visits to the surgeon’s office. Such seemingly minor financial considerations may add up to a significant amount, and should be evaluated.

Average Price Tag of the Procedure

The dollar amount for the tummy tuck procedure will vary depending on the extent and complexity of surgery involved in a particular case. Some patients may require a combination of tummy tuck with liposuction for more comprehensive. In other cases, the patient may only need a mini tummy tuck, or an endoscopic tummy tuck. In each situation, the actual menu price will be different.

As per the ASPS data for 2013, the average cost of abdominoplasty in the US was $5,217. However, this price did not include the costs of anesthesia, surgical room fees, and other related expenses. The overall dollar amount may range between $8,000 and $14,000 in most cases.

Insurance and Financing

Tummy tuck and its effect on your checking account may not be covered by insurance as it is mostly performed as an elective surgery. However, most patients will have to opportunity to have the procedure financed through personal borrowings, credit cards, bank loans, or medical care finance companies.

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at  1-216-778-2245 or click here.

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