Gynecomastia (Enlarged Male Breasts) Surgery Risks & Safety

Tag Archives: Gynecomastia

In general, gynecomastia (enlarged male breast) cosmetic surgery is a safe procedure. However, patients should be aware of the possible risks associated with male breast reduction surgery.

Some common risks include the possibility of infection, adverse response to anesthesia, and uneven nipple height. But the potential advantages of male breast reduction surgery will typically outweigh the risks associated with the procedure.  

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding locations.

Discuss the Risks with the Surgeon

During the pre-operative consultation process, the surgeon will inform the patient of the possible risks and complications associated with gynecomastia surgery. The primary goal of a dedicated surgeon is to enable the patient to make a well-informed choice.

Choosing to undergo gynecomastia surgery is a private and personal decision. The patient must assess the advantages of the surgery relative to the risks and complications associated with the procedure, and understand whether this risk-reward tradeoff is acceptable to them. The patient will need to sign consent forms stating that they understand the risks and possible complications inherent in gynecomastia surgery fully.

Potential Risks

The risks associated with male breast reduction plastic surgery are as follows:

  • Poor response to materials used in the surgery such as tape, glues, topical preparations, suture materials, or injected agents
  • Risks associated with anesthesia
  • Hematoma (bleeding)
  • Blood clots
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Irregular breast contour and shape
  • Altered sensation in nipples or breasts which may be temporary or permanent
  • Injury to deeper structures including blood vessels, muscles, nerves, and lungs may occur, and the consequences may be temporary or permanent
  • Cardiac, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary complications
  • Breast fatty tissue may die (fat necrosis)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Seroma (fluid accumulation)
  • Persistent pain
  • Requirement for revision surgery
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Infection

The surgeon will inform the patient in detail about these risks before seeking their consent for the surgery. It is important for the patient to seek clarity on all questions and concerns from their cosmetic surgeon before the surgery.

Asymmetrical Breasts

Asymmetrical breasts are a risk arising from male breast reduction surgery. But in the hands of an experienced and well-qualified plastic surgeon, this risk is greatly minimized. However, if the breasts are asymmetrical following gynecomastia surgery, the patient will require revision surgery to correct the condition.

Patients should understand that natural breasts are not completely symmetrical. Minor variations in shape and size are normal, and these do not warrant revision surgery.

Uneven Nipple Height

Gynecomastia surgery alters the breast shape and size as well as leads to the moving of some skin. This leads to the risk of uneven nipple height post-reduction. For some patients, the surgeon may detach the areola and nipple and reattach it on a different location on the breast.

Altered Sensation

A change or loss in sensation in the breast after male breast reduction surgery may occur especially if the areola has been detached and grafted at another location. This change in sensation is usually temporary, but it may be permanent in some exceptional cases.

Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and nearby areas for male breast reduction surgery.

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

Gynecomastia cosmetic surgery procedure involves the surgical correction of male breast enlargement. If the patient seeks surgery to treat this condition, it is important to choose the right surgeon for the procedure.

The main criteria for selecting a suitable surgeon are appropriate qualifications and credentials as well as experience in performing plastic surgery procedures. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding locations in The Mother of Presidents.

Key Questions to Ask

The patient should ask the following questions during the pre-op consultation to understand the benefits and limitations of the gynecomastia plastic surgery:

What surgical techniques do you recommend for me?

The type of surgical technique chosen depends on the type or grade of gynecomastia and the identified reasons for this condition. The two primary surgical options to correct gynecomastia are liposuction and mastectomy.

Do you have privileges at a local hospital to perform this surgery?

The patient should ask their surgeon to confirm whether the hospital is adequately equipped and authorized for gynecomastia surgery. It is vital to make sure that the hospital is equipped to address any complications that may occur.

What anesthesia type is used for the surgery?

The patient will receive general or local anesthesia according to the type of surgery being undertaken. In general, the surgeon will perform the procedure under local anesthesia. If general anesthesia is used, it should only be administered by a well-qualified anesthesiologist.

What steps should I undertake in preparation for the surgery?

The surgeon will order specific pre-op tests for the patient. The patient should not take blood thinners or other meds prior to the surgery. Furthermore, it is not advisable to consume food or water eight hours before the procedure.

How long is the recovery phase?

The recovery period differs between patients. The patient may need between three to ten days to return to their routine depending on the type of procedure they undergo.

What risks are associated with gynecomastia surgery?

Some common risks involved in this surgery are:

  • Poor response to materials used in the procedure
  • Risks associated with anesthesia
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Blood vessel or nerve damage
  • Pain

Will the surgery cause scarring?

Depending on the technique used to perform the surgery, the patient may experience post-surgical scarring.

What are the surgical costs?

The surgery costs include surgical venue expenses, medical tests, anesthesiologist’s fees, and the surgeon’s charges. The fees of the surgeon will depend on the level of their experience in gynecomastia surgery.

Are the results of the surgery permanent?

The possibility of recurrence is low. Regardless, it is advisable for patients to maintain a steady weight.

Can I view before and after images of previous gynecomastia patients?

Before and after images of patients offers visual proof of successful procedures. The patient can also ask the surgeon to provide them with testimonials of previous patients who have received gynecomastia surgery from them in the past.

Committed cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other cities and towns in this area of the country for male breast reduction surgery.

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

Gynecomastia is major cosmetic surgery procedure, and the recovery is a critical component in it. The surgeon will discuss various facets of male breast reduction surgery with the patient during the pre-op consultation process.

They will also explain the estimated recovery time following this procedure.  

The patient should follow the surgeon’s recovery instructions diligently to achieve predictable and safe outcomes and possibly reduce their recovery time.

Astute board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides surgery for enlarged male breasts to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this region of the Midwest.

Guidelines for Post-operative Care

The patient and his caregiver will be given detailed post-op care instructions for the gynecomastia surgery recovery phase. These guidelines will encompass information on:

  • Managing the temporary surgical drains, in case these drains have been inserted.
  • Normal side-effects that a patient may experience following the male breast reduction procedure.
  • Any potential indications of complications signaling the patient to contact the surgeon’s office.  
  • Avoiding smoking, taking blood thinners or other medications.
  • Wearing a compression garment all the time for a specific period.  
  • Visiting the surgeon’s practice for the initial follow-up appointment after the surgery.

Immediate Post-Op Phase

After the gynecomastia cosmetic surgery, the patient will need to take extra precautions during the first few days. The patient should remain at home and take adequate rest in the first week.

But he can undertake short walks around the home or light activities after a day to enhance the flow of blood in the treated areas. He should avoid aggressive shoulder movements in the initial days after the procedure. The patient should also not lift their arms vertically.

The patient may experience mild pain and discomfort during the initial three or four days following the surgery. However, if the pain is severe and persistent, he should contact the surgeon. Initially, there will be mild bruising and inflammation.

The use of ice therapy can alleviate this inflammation in the initial two days. However, the entire inflammation will only subside slowly over several weeks.

Overall Recovery Period

The recovery duration will differ depending on the extent of the breast tissue excised as well as if the surgery included breast gland tissue removal or fatty tissue liposuction or both. On an average, patients will need to remain at home for around a week before they can resume their routine or resume work.

The recovery can be quicker if the patient takes the pain meds and antibiotics (if prescribed), wears compression garments, maintains the drains, and avoids any strain on the incision in the initial week following the procedure.

A majority of patients will have their first post-operative appointment with the surgeon in around one week. During this visit, the sutures and drains are typically removed.

The patient can start low impact exercise in around two to three weeks. However, he should avoid upper extremity progressive resistance exercises for three to four weeks after the surgery.

Committed plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and nearby areas in The Heart of it All for male breast reduction.

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.


Gynecomastia or male breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure for males who are unhappy with the appearance of abnormally large breasts.

The condition can be corrected with surgical reduction of excess breast tissue to restore a normal male chest. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss various aspects of the procedure with the patient.

A prudent surgeon may also choose to present male breast reduction plastic surgery before and after photos to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure. Cordial board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding communities in The Birthplace of Aviation.

What are Gynecomastia Before and After Images?

Before and after pictures in case of gynecomastia cosmetic surgery refer to a group or pair of images pertaining to a previous patient who has received the same surgery with satisfactory results. The images include pictures taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the swelling has disappeared completely and full results of gynecomastia are visible.

The surgeon will take the photographs with the patient’s consent and show them to new patients in an appropriate and discreet way.

The only purpose behind this exercise is to use the photographs as a visual tool to educate new patients about different aspects of gynecomastia and help them to make an informed decision. With these images, it becomes easier to explain to them what the surgery may or may not do for them.

These amazing digital pictures can be seen during the consultation. This means that someone can apply what they see to their own situation. This means the surgeon – Dr. Kaufman – and the patient can be on the same page which means less pressure and anxiety if the patient signs on the dotted line.

No plastic surgery surgeon wants to operate on anyone unless they realize what is going to happen and what to expect. Transparency is key here and this successful surgeon has many satisfied clients.


When a man suffering from enlarged breasts is considering the option of male breast reduction surgery, he may not have much idea about how exactly the procedure help to achieve his aesthetic needs.

Some men may need only a limited surgical fat tissue removal or simply liposuction, while others may need more extensive surgery. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend a combination of gynecomastia and liposuction to achieve more substantial results.

For a new patient, it can be difficult to make the best choice among various options. This is where the surgeon may make use of gynecomastia before and after photos to assist the patient in making the right decision.

Keeping Realistic Expectations

Best satisfaction levels in any cosmetic procedure are often achieved when the patient has clearly understood the procedure and formed realistic expectations about it. Male breast reduction before and after photos can play a key role in this process and can help to ensure that the patient knows from the beginning what to expect and what not to expect from the results which has been illustrated though can be emphasized enough.

Online Photo Gallery

The surgeon may choose to provide male breast reduction plastic surgery before and after photos on their practice website in a dedicated photo gallery section but this in this particular case this is not done. Though this does not mean a patient cannot see pictures of this kind during the consultation. A gynecomastia consultation has to occur anyways and there is a page dedicated to this type of procedure on the site.

Accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other towns and neighborhoods in this outstanding part of the nation for gynecomastia surgery.

Location of the practice to learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

A breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure can be used to treat gynecomastia (male breast enlargement). The patient may be able to get insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery.

However, this may depend on the underlying causes of the condition. Patient should clearly understand the approximate costs, in case he has to bear the expenses of the procedure out-of-pocket.

A committed plastic surgeon will provide the patient with clear information regarding a gynecomastia surgery, including its estimated costs.

This will help the patient to make a well-considered decision. Committed board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding locations in this area of The Mother of Presidents.

Financial Factors

Male breast reduction surgery costs can differ between practices and even between two patients at the same practice. The factors below often impact the financial stipulations of this surgical procedure:

Location of the Practice

Gynecomastia cosmetic surgery costs may be higher at a practice situated in a main urban center or busy metropolitan area in comparison to a small town in the interiors.

At prime locations, the costs of real estate and overheads are usually higher. This affects the average costs of goods and services in the area, including plastic surgery procedures such as male breast reduction.

Surgeon’s Fee

The surgeon’s fees will usually depend on their expertise, experience, and eminence in the area of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgeons with board certification usually invest in the latest technology, adopt advanced surgical techniques, pursue on-going education and follow the most recent safety protocols.

According to the ASPS, patients should identify the most suitable plastic surgeon for their needs. Considerations such as the surgeon’s fees should only be secondary.

Anesthesia and Surgical Venue Costs

The patient will require the services of an anesthesiologist or a certified nurse anesthetist if the gynecomastia surgery performed under general anesthesia. The fees of the anesthesia provider will differ depending on their qualifications. They will typically remain in attendance throughout the procedure to monitor the patient’s response to the anesthesia.

The male breast reduction surgery may take place at an accredited surgical center, a hospital, or a private surgical suite. Each option will have different costs and advantages. The patient can choose a surgical facility in conjunction with the surgeon.

Additional Expenses

The estimation of the total costs of the gynecomastia surgery should also include costs for items such as medical tests, prescription meds, and follow up appointments with the plastic surgeon. Working professionals should also consider the cost implications of taking off from work to recover from the surgery.

Extent of Surgery

While certain patients may need tissue reduction in one breast, others may require it in both. In case the glandular tissue is not present, the surgeon may perform only a liposuction procedure. Other patients may need liposuction as well as excision.

Investing in Quality

The patient should choose a well-qualified and expert surgeon for a significant procedure such as male breast reduction surgery in order to achieve safe and predictable outcomes. Devoted plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other towns and cities in this prolific region of the country for gynecomastia surgery.  

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.