
Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) Surgery Before and After Photos


Gynecomastia or male breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure for males who are unhappy with the appearance of abnormally large breasts.Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) Surgery Before and After Photos

The condition can be corrected with surgical reduction of excess breast tissue to restore a normal male chest. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss various aspects of the procedure with the patient.

A prudent surgeon may also choose to present male breast reduction plastic surgery before and after photos to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure. Cordial board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding communities in The Birthplace of Aviation.

What are Gynecomastia Before and After Images?

Before and after pictures in case of gynecomastia cosmetic surgery refer to a group or pair of images pertaining to a previous patient who has received the same surgery with satisfactory results. The images include pictures taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the swelling has disappeared completely and full results of gynecomastia are visible.

The surgeon will take the photographs with the patient’s consent and show them to new patients in an appropriate and discreet way.

The only purpose behind this exercise is to use the photographs as a visual tool to educate new patients about different aspects of gynecomastia and help them to make an informed decision. With these images, it becomes easier to explain to them what the surgery may or may not do for them.

These amazing digital pictures can be seen during the consultation. This means that someone can apply what they see to their own situation. This means the surgeon – Dr. Kaufman – and the patient can be on the same page which means less pressure and anxiety if the patient signs on the dotted line.

No plastic surgery surgeon wants to operate on anyone unless they realize what is going to happen and what to expect. Transparency is key here and this successful surgeon has many satisfied clients.


When a man suffering from enlarged breasts is considering the option of male breast reduction surgery, he may not have much idea about how exactly the procedure help to achieve his aesthetic needs.

Some men may need only a limited surgical fat tissue removal or simply liposuction, while others may need more extensive surgery. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend a combination of gynecomastia and liposuction to achieve more substantial results.

For a new patient, it can be difficult to make the best choice among various options. This is where the surgeon may make use of gynecomastia before and after photos to assist the patient in making the right decision.

Keeping Realistic Expectations

Best satisfaction levels in any cosmetic procedure are often achieved when the patient has clearly understood the procedure and formed realistic expectations about it. Male breast reduction before and after photos can play a key role in this process and can help to ensure that the patient knows from the beginning what to expect and what not to expect from the results which has been illustrated though can be emphasized enough.

Online Photo Gallery

The surgeon may choose to provide male breast reduction plastic surgery before and after photos on their practice website in a dedicated photo gallery section but this in this particular case this is not done. Though this does not mean a patient cannot see pictures of this kind during the consultation. A gynecomastia consultation has to occur anyways and there is a page dedicated to this type of procedure on the site.

Accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other towns and neighborhoods in this outstanding part of the nation for gynecomastia surgery.

Location of the practice to learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

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