
Preparing For Rhinoplasty Surgery

A careful preparation should precede any cosmetic surgery procedure, including rhinoplasty, so that the patient is completely ready to undergo the cosmetic procedure. Well-prepared patients are more likely to feel confident and achieve safer and better results from the procedure. Preparing For Rhinoplasty Surgery

Remarkable, dignified, and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides rhinoplasty to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and surrounding communities in this part of the nation.

Before the Consultation

The patient can start the preparation for the surgery once they have decided to undergo nose surgery. In order to save time during the consultation with the surgeon, they can prepare ahead of time and follow these steps:

  • The surgeon will need to assess the patient for pre-existing medical conditions, sinus, breathing issues, or allergies to determine whether they can be a candidate for rhinoplasty. The patient should arrange to have their health records sent from the doctor and specialist to the surgeon’s office in advance to save time.
  • Patients can contact their medical insurance company to understand if full or partial rhinoplasty costs are covered under insurance in specific situations.
  • Create a list of all the prescription and non-prescription medications, including vitamins and supplements that the patient is presently using.
  • Research the procedure and take a close look at the surgeon’s website to understand more about the nose cosmetic surgery.
  • Enlist any questions or concerns that the surgeon can address during the consultation.

Fitness and Diet

The patient should have balanced meals in the weeks or months prior to the surgery as far as possible. They can also increase lean proteins in their diet to equip the body better for the surgery and post-op healing.

Additionally, they should follow a regular exercise routine to increase their fitness levels. Better health and fitness will improve the patient’s resilience and provide them with a more robust mental and physical state to undergo the surgery and subsequent recovery.

Prior to the Surgery

Rhinoplasty has an estimated downtime of approximately one week. Therefore, employed people should apply for a leave from their workplace in advance as well as request for an additional week of low intensity physical activity at work. It is advisable to finish any urgent household or work-related assignments before the surgery to ensure that the patient can have a stress-free surgery and recovery.

Rhinoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure, and the patient can usually go back home the same day. The patient should organize a ride home after the surgery and if possible, arrange for aftercare for some days to have a more comfortable recovery, especially if there are small children at home.

The patient should get adequate rest and sleep the night before the surgery. On the day of the surgery, the patient should wear loose fitting clothes which are front-buttoned. Diabetic patients should have their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.

Prolific plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and nearby areas in the fantastic Birthplace of Aviation for rhinoplasty and other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.


To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

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