
Gynecomastia (Enlarged Male Breasts) Surgery Preparation

Gynecomastia (Enlarged Male Breasts) Surgery PreparationA thorough preparation process should precede gynecomastia (male breast reduction) cosmetic surgery in order to accomplish predictable and desirable results.

Patients who are adequately prepared will be more reassured and confident about the surgery, enhancing their likelihood of experiencing a comfortable surgery and recovery process.

Board certified and judicious plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other towns and cities in this part of the country.


Preparatory Do’s and Don’ts

Some important do’s and don’ts that the patient should follow prior to the gynecomastia cosmetic surgery are as follows:

Tanning: The patient should avoid sun tanning for at least two weeks before the gynecomastia surgery.

Smoking: In case the patient smokes, he should stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery as nicotine has an adverse impact on the recovery process.

Alcohol: Patients should not consume alcohol for at least a week before the procedure.

Blood thinners: Ten days before the procedure, the patient should stop taking aspirin, medications with blood thinners, vitamin E, and herbal supplements.

Medications: The patient should inform the surgeon of the medicines and supplements they are presently taking. If necessary, the surgeon may ask the patient to take a daily multivitamin around two weeks prior to the gynecomastia.

Illness: It is crucial to reach out to the surgeon’s office in case the patient falls sick or develops an active infection before his gynecomastia surgery.

Labs: The patient should arrange for all requested labs tests, EKG, mammogram, and medical clearances to be sent to the surgeon’s office beforehand.

Caretaker: The patient should enlist a responsible person to drive them back home after the procedure as well as arrange aftercare for at least the initial 24 hours following the reduction surgery.

Prescriptions: All prescriptions should be filled before the surgery, and the patient should review the instructions and seek clarifications if required.

Schedule Leave from Work: The time taken off work depends on the nature of the job. Patients engaged in sedentary work can return to the workplace within four to seven days. For patients with more physically demanding jobs, the recovery period may extend to two weeks.


Other Suggestions

  • Depending on the surgeon’s advice, get x-rays, and/or other tests done well in advance.
  • Have the physician speak to the surgeon about any changes in the medicine schedule.
  • Complete any pressing household or work-related tasks to enjoy a relaxed and comfortable recovery phase.
  • Arrange for a friend, family member, or caregiver to help during the initial 48 hours following the gynecomastia surgery.


Day of the Gynecomastia Surgery

  • The patient should not wear accessories, body piercings, contact lenses, or jewelry to the surgical facility.  
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes as well as easy-to-wear shoes (slip-ons) on the day of the procedure. It is advisable to wear comfortable pants or shorts as well as front-open shirts.
  • In case the surgery is planned using general anesthesia, the patient should not eat or drink anything eight hours prior to the procedure.
  • Diabetic patients should have their vital parameters evaluated on the morning of the gynecomastia procedure.


Reliable plastic surgeon Dr. Bram Kaufman receives patients from Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH, and other communities and suburbs in this amazing part of the country for gynecomastia surgery.

To learn more about cosmetic treatment and procedures or to schedule a consultation by Cleveland Ohio area plastic surgeon, Dr. Bram Kaufman, please contact us at 1-216-778-2245 or click here.

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